The Paolina Paulon Cultural Association is a new reality in the city of Vicenza. Inspired by Paolina’s life, our main priority is to support young people.

Following the ideas and the thoughts of Paolina, our students have the opportunity to learn Italian and to follow their passions, such as art and music, in a beautiful city surrounded by a team of people who work to help them follow their dreams.

Furthermore, the Association is a promoter of the integration and cultural dialogue between Vicenza and all foreign guests.

The Association promotes concert, events, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, Master Classes and language courses in order to promote the social integration between Italian and non-native students. It also promotes linguistic tandem projects with Italian students, scholarships, cultural mediation activities and supports students who encounter difficulties when applying to our Universities. The Association has established collaborations with musical and artistic institutes, with associations and foundations, promoting exchanges with national and foreign institutes.

The Association has consolidated many relationships and partnerships with Chinese institutes and universities which organize and support specific projects for their students, musicians and artists, who would like to come to Italy to get the first and second level degrees. The association takes part to the ministerial projects Turandot and Marco Polo and collaborate with some AFAM institutions, such as the Conservatory of Music of Vicenza and Venice and the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice. When it comes to organizing language certifications, we collaborate with the University of ROMA 3. In 2018 we started an opera music program in order to create a network of connections between Italian music teachers and Asian music teachers (especially Chinese, Korean and Japanese).

The Association collaborates with the city of Vicenza to promote activities such as:

>> Free and open concerts to the citizens;

>> Projects which involved teams of young Chinese skiers hosted by the Association, in order to promote the integration and collaboration between Vicenza and China;

>> The Association was the promoter of the twinning agreement between the Chinese city of Guiyang and the city of Vicenza. Thanks to this, many relationships were born. During the spring lockdown 2020, the city of Guiyang’s administration donated personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves and more to the Civil Protection of Vicenza.


In 2022, as part of the Paolina Paulon Cultural Association project, the new Paulon International School was born.

We are a school based in the cities of Vicenza and Venice. Our aim is promoting the Italian language and culture. We offer Italian language courses for foreigner students  and, in collaboration with lots of realities in the area, we promote linguistic tandem projects, scholarships and cultural mediation activities. We organize specific Italian language courses for Chinese students who enrolled the Marco Polo / Turandot ministerial projects.

Visit our new website and follow us on our Social


Paolina Paulon Association headquarter is located in Via Formenton, just a few steps away from the historic centre of Vicenza in an ancient villa which belonged to Paolina Paulon.

The villa is a fascinating example of Art Nouveau style of the early 1900s, in the Villa you can find enchanting plaster decorated rooms and some splendid pianos, which help to recall fascinating melodies of the time.

The Italian styled garden surrounding the building enriches the unique atmosphere of the place, creating a peaceful corner where you can always listen to good opera music

Even the logo of the Association was inspired by this villa, as it has always been a symbol of music, art,creativity, sociability and good living.


Paolina Paulon, owner of the Villa, is the person who inspired the project.

She used to be an English teacher. Thanks to her profession and her philosophy of helping others, she decided over the years to open her charming home to young students who wanted to study in Vicenza.
She was an art and music lover. She also dedicated part of her life to organize events in order to give her guests a chance to listen to good music.

In 2015, after his mother’s death, Nicola Paulon decided to set up the Association in her memory to continue Paolina’s project of helping young people.
In her memory, music events are still organized with all her friends who are guests there in the Villa, which remains a memory and an emblem of Paolina, of the Association and of all the people who believe in the project.